Rollators are designed to provide stability and support, allowing individuals to move around safely. However, selecting the right size is crucial in ensuring that the user is comfortable and safe while using the device.
Usually there are several distinct rollator sizes available:
Standard: For people from 5’3” to 5’11” (1.6 to 1.8m), usually support 250-300 pounds (113.4 to 136.1kg).
Tall: For people from 5’11” to 6’4” (1.8 to 1.93m).
Junior: For people 4’8” to 5’2” (1.42 to 1.57m).
Bariatric: Depending on the brand, for people from 300 to 700 pounds (136.1 to 317.5kg).
So, how to choose the right rollator size for my height? Here are some tips:
1. Measure Your Height
The first step in selecting the right rollator size is to measure your height accurately. Stand straight with your back against a wall, lift your head, and measure from the top of your head to the floor. Record this measurement accurately, as it will be essential in choosing the right size for you.
2. Check the Rollator’s Height
Most rollators come with an adjustable height feature, allowing users to fine-tune the device’s height to best suit their needs.
Seat height
When choosing a rollator, it’s important to take the seat dimensions into consideration. While most standard rollator seats are between 13″ and 18″ wide, the inside width of different brand rollators can vary by several inches due to their unique designs. To ensure comfortable seating, measure your backside while sitting on a flat surface and add an inch or two to determine the appropriate seat width for you.
Handle height
The user can find their perfect handle height by standing in their regular shoes with arms at their side and slightly bent elbows. Measure the distance between the floor and center of the wrist while in this position. If you’re taller or shorter, consider purchasing a rollator made specifically for your needs.
Seat to floor height
The height of the seat from the floor should be comfortable for you to sit without your feet dangling. To find out the perfect height, measure the distance from the floor to the back of your knee crease while standing in everyday shoes. This measurement will help you choose a rollator with an appropriate seat-to-floor height.
Overall width
Make sure your rollator can easily fit through doors and passages you use often. To do this, measure the narrowest spaces in places you go to a lot, like your home, school or workplace.
3. Check the Rollator’s Weight Capacity
When choosing the right size for your rollator, it’s critical to consider its weight capacity. Make sure you select a rollator that can properly support your height and weight. Overloading a rollator can be dangerous and lead to injury, so always check its weight capacity before making a purchase.
4. Test-Drive the Rollator
Before purchasing a new rollator, it’s essential to test-drive the device to ensure it meets your needs. Sit on the rollator’s seat, grip the handles, and walk around to get a feel for the device. This can help you determine if the rollator is the right size for your needs and to ensure that you can use it safely and comfortably.
As an experienced provider of mobility aids, Ageally takes pride in exceptional customer service and support. Our knowledgeable professionals are always on hand to help you pick the perfect rollator walkers via email contact@ageally.com or WhatsApp, giving you speedy and thorough answers for smart choices.